The grade 2/3 students expereinced a fun-filled educational day at the Kortright Centre! The students had the opportunity
to explore the main components of soil and particle size. They witnessed how
soil is affected by water and wind and how this process impacts
vegetation and wildlife. Memories were made as they participated in experiments, learned new vocabulary
associated with the soil ecosystem and gained some knowledge on conservation
measures they can practice to preserve these resources. The children also went
on a nature walk to investigate several habitats, a forest, a field and a river
to learn more about animal habitats.
soil, minerals, organic matter,
boulders, rocks, pebbles, sand, silt, clay, soil sieving, sedimentation,
particle size, texture, forest litter, living things, non-living things,
ecosystem, humus, decompose, decay, absorption, compaction, erosion, runoff,
habitat, conservation