Monday, 29 April 2013

April 29-May 3 Update

Dear families,

I hope everyone had a lovely and restful weekend! Our class is nearing the end of the Amazing Reading Challenge. Wow boys and girls! Many of you have truly impressed me with the amount of books you have read and your thorough comprehension. I am very pleased with the chart results and hope you all continue reading to build your skills in reading fluency and understating story elements. Well done!

In Language Arts, we will continue to read non-fiction texts surrounding topics about our Earth. The students will learn how to make inferences based on what they have read and use the information from the text to support their answers. We will continue using the 3-2-1 strategy (3 facts, 2 questions, 1 opinion) and a RAN chart (Reading Analyzing Non-fiction) after reading various texts. In writing, we will work on generating ideas for a strong paragraph. Both grades should be working on Spelling List 26 activity pages due this Thursday.

In Mathematics, the students will learn how to use a multiplication table and fill one in to help them build their computation skills. They will also be learning about division. Division is developed through situations where students determine “fair shares” and through repeated subtraction of same-sized objects. For the grade 3 students, they will be introduced to the term quotient (the result when you divide). For example, in the sentence 15 divided by 3 = 5, 5 would be the quotient. 

In Science, the grade 2 students will have a test on Tuesday April 30th on solids, liquids and gas. They completed a review sheet in class and were asked to keep it in their homework bags to look over every night in order to prepare for the test. On a side note, I was extremely pleased with the watercraft projects and creations! Boys and girls you all did an excellent job explaining your method and the materials needed to make something buoyant. Well done!

The grade 3’s will start a new Science unit this week on Soils in the Environment! Our field trip was a great introduction to understanding how soil is an essential source of life and nutrients for many organisms.

In Social Studies, the grade 3’s students will have a pioneer test on the features of pioneer times and be able to compare features from the past and present day. Students should be reviewing their charts and reading over the assigned pages in their Many Gifts textbook to help them prepare.

As many of you know, Holy Name will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary on May 25, 2013.  Each class has been asked to create a display of important events, fashion, art and people for a specific decade.  Our class has been assigned the 1930’s.  Therefore, our visual arts lessons will be focused on designing our 1930’s display board.  At home project outlines were sent home last weeks. Students will select a topic of interest and design a component related to their topic (collage, structure etc). A paragraph should also accompany their work.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Ms. Bertone

Important Reminders:

-         First Holy Communion as a class on Sunday May 5 at 10:00 am.
-         1930’s project due May 10th
-         Holy Name’s 100th Anniversary on May 25th
-         2-Minute math drill every Friday

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Fun at the Kortright Centre!

The grade 2/3 students expereinced a fun-filled educational day at the Kortright Centre! The students had the opportunity to explore the main components of soil and particle size. They witnessed how soil is affected by water and wind and how this process impacts vegetation and wildlife. Memories were made as they participated in experiments, learned new vocabulary associated with the soil ecosystem and gained some knowledge on conservation measures they can practice to preserve these resources. The children also went on a nature walk to investigate several habitats, a forest, a field and a river to learn more about animal habitats. 

Key vocabulary:
soil, minerals, organic matter, boulders, rocks, pebbles, sand, silt, clay, soil sieving, sedimentation, particle size, texture, forest litter, living things, non-living things, ecosystem, humus, decompose, decay, absorption, compaction, erosion, runoff, habitat, conservation

Monday, 22 April 2013

April 22-26 Update

Dear families,

The students came in today very excited to share the amount of chapter books they have read over the weekend and are always anticipating their presentations. I am quite impressed with the level of comprehension and character analysis I am hearing during the presentations. It appears that many students are choosing books of interest which allows them to uncover the  “big idea.” Well done boys and girls! Keep up the great work! Take a look at our class' reading chart so far:

In Language Arts, we will read non-fiction texts surrounding topics about our Earth. The students will learn how to make inferences based on what they have read and use the information from the text to support their answers. We will continue using the 3-2-1 strategy (3 facts, 2 questions, 1 opinion) and a RAN chart (Reading Analyzing Non-fiction) after reading various texts. Both grades should be working on Spelling List 25 activity pages due this Thursday.

In Mathematics, we are exploring multiplication. For the grade 2 students, this chapter introduces the operations of multiplication and division through concrete experiences. The focus of this chapter is on the conceptual understanding of multiplication as repeated addition of groups/sets. These groupings are modelled using arrays or jumps on a number line. Division is developed through situations where students determine “fair shares” and through repeated subtraction of same-sized objects. For the grade 3 students, the focus will be on using skip counting and repeated addition to develop an understanding of the multiplication facts up to 7x7.

In Science, the grade 2 students will review concepts from their unit on solids, liquids and gas. A test review will be sent home this week for next week’s test. The test date will be Tuesday April 30th. Our next science unit will be on Air and Water in the environment.

In Social Studies, the grade 3’s are presenting their Pioneer dioramas.  All presenters are encouraged to make eye-contact with the audience, read fluently and use a clear speaking voice.  There will be a test on Pioneers next week on Tuesday April 30th. I will send home a study guide this week.

As many of you know, Holy Name will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary on May 25, 2013.  Each class has been asked to create a display of important events, fashion, art and people for a specific decade.  Our class has been assigned the 1930’s.  Therefore, our visual arts lessons will be focused on designing our 1930’s display board.  At home project outlines were sent home last weeks. Students will select a topic of interest and design a component related to their topic (collage, structure etc). A paragraph should also accompany their work.

Have a fantastic week everyone!

Ms. Bertone

Important Reminders:
-The whole month of April is dedicated to our Amazing Reading Challenge: keep those pages turning.
-Please sign agendas and assessments
-Class trip to the Kortright Center is this Thursday April 25th

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

439-0000 Pizza Nova! Having fun with dough

Our class had a lot of fun today learning the steps involved in pizza making. We had experts come from Pizza Nova to guide the students in kneading and spinning the dough. Take a look!

Monday, 15 April 2013

April 15-19 Update

Dear families,

I must take this time to express how proud I am of all the excellent reading that is taking place for our April Reading Challenge. The students came in today very excited to share the amount of chapter books they have read over the weekend and are always anticipating their presentations. Well done boys and girls! I hope you all continue reading to build up your reading fluency and comprehension. Keep up the great work!

In Language Arts, we are starting our non-fiction unit. Students will be using the 3-2-1 strategy (3 facts, 2 questions, 1 opinion) and a RAN chart (Reading Analyzing Non-fiction) after reading various texts to practice questioning and summarizing. Both grades should be working on Spelling List 24 activity pages that are due this Thursday.

In Mathematics, we are diving into Chapter 9. For the grade 2 students, this chapter introduces the operations of multiplication and division through concrete experiences. The focus of this chapter is on the conceptual understanding of multiplication as repeated addition of groups/sets. These groupings are modelled using arrays or jumps on a number line. Division is developed through situations where students determine “fair shares” and through repeated subtraction of same-sized objects. For the grade 3 students, the focus will be on using skip counting and repeated addition to develop an understanding of the multiplication facts up to 7x7.

In Science, the grade 2 students will be presenting their watercraft projects this week and continuing their experiments on solids, liquids and gas.

In Social Studies, the grade 3 students have their Pioneer diorama projects due on Wednesday and will also be presenting them this week. I look forward to seeing all of their hard work in project form.

Holy Name will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary on May 25, 2013.  Each class has been asked to create a display of important events, fashion, art and people for a specific decade.  Our class has been assigned the 1930’s.  Therefore, our visual arts lessons will be focused on designing our 1930’s display board.

Have a fantastic week everyone!

Ms. Bertone

Important Reminders:
-The whole month of April is dedicated to our Amazing Reading Challenge: keep those pages turning.
-As you read, think about the 5 story elements
-Please sign agendas every evening to ensure all homework is complete
-School Mass on Thursday April, 18

Monday, 8 April 2013

April 8-12 Update

Dear families,

What a fantastic Monday! The students had the good fortune of being part of an Earth Rangers presentation where they saw the following animals up close: a python, an owl and a falcon. More importantly, they learned about some endangered animal habitats and the ways in which they can make a difference in helping our Earth. You will find a link on the blog to the Earth Rangers website for more information.

In Language Arts, the students are diligently writing to complete their Fables. Once all the fables are finished, students will present their work in small groups where they can ask each other “thick questions” and discuss the big idea/moral. We will begin our non-fiction unit on Thursday. Both grades should be working on Spelling List 23 activity pages due Thursday.

In Mathematics, we are continuing our Chapter 8 lessons. The grade 2 students are solving word problems and practising their skills in addition and subtraction. The grade 3 students are also solving word problems, however, their focus is on area. There will be a math test this Friday on all the concepts taught in class; a review sheet will be sent home this week.

In Science, the grade 2 students are discussing buoyancy in small groups. We will also be continuing our experiments on solids, liquids and gas.

In Social Studies, the grade 3 students are working on their pioneer booklets are preparing for their vocabulary quiz tomorrow. A study guide was sent home to help them prepare.

Have a fantastic week everyone!
Ms. Bertone

Important Reminders:

-The whole month of April is dedicated to our Amazing Reading Challenge: keep those pages turning.
-As you read, think about the 5 story elements and the narrative perspective
-Please sign agendas every evening to ensure all homework is complete
-Field Trip to Kortright Centre: Thursday April 25, 2013

Friday, 5 April 2013


Keep up the excellent reading boys and girls! I am really enjoying hearing all of your summaries.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

April 2-5th Update

Dear families,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I know the students really enjoyed colouring their eggs and making Easter cards.

April is going to be a busy and exciting month! Here is what our week will look like:

In Language Arts, the students are going to work on the good copy of their Fables. They will peer-edit and conference with the teacher. As you know, our Amazing Reading Challenge has started and students are encouraged to engage in independent reading when all their assigned work is complete. There will not be a new spelling list this week; we will start List 23 next Monday.

In Mathematics, we are continuing our Chapter 8 lessons. The grade 2 students are working on subtraction problem solving questions, while the grade 3 students are solving word problems regarding area in square units. The math drill will take place next week.

In Science, the grade 2 students have been assigned a watercraft project. An outline has been sent home with all the pertinent information. I look forward to seeing their wonderful ideas be transformed into buoyant watercrafts. Excellent brainstorming today boys and girls!

In Social Studies, the grade 3 students will be receiving a project outline tomorrow. They will be asked to create a diorama that contains all the aspects of either a pioneer (house, school, store etc). They will also be writing a report to explain their information and learning. This is an exciting project that involves planning and creativity. Happy building!

Have a fantastic week everyone!
Ms. Bertone

Important Reminders:

-The whole month of April is dedicated to our Amazing Reading Challenge: keep those pages turning
-As you read, think about the 5 story elements and the big idea
-Please sign agendas every evening to ensure all homework is complete
-Family Gathering for First Communion: Saturday April 6, 2013 at 10:00 am